PUBS Vindicator Clone Recipe

Vindicator Clone
Vindicator Clone
American IPA
Type: All Grain Date: 23 Nov 2019
Batch Size (fermenter): 5.50 gal Brewer: Ben
Boil Size: 7.19 gal Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 75 min Equipment: All Grain - Standard 5 Gal/19l Batch - Stainless
End of Boil Volume 6.51 gal Brewhouse Efficiency: 68.00 %
Final Bottling Volume: 5.10 gal Est Mash Efficiency 77.3 %
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage Taste Rating(out of 50): 30.0
Taste Notes:


Amt Name Type # %/IBU Volume
5.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash) Water Agent 1 - -
2.00 ml Lactic Acid (Mash) Water Agent 2 - -
12 lbs 7.1 oz Pale Malt, 2-Row (Rahr) (1.8 SRM) Grain 3 94.0 % 0.97 gal
8.5 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM) Grain 4 4.0 % 0.04 gal
4.2 oz Munich 10L (Briess) (10.0 SRM) Grain 5 2.0 % 0.02 gal
0.50 oz Chinook [11.00 %] - Boil 75.0 min Hop 6 21.3 IBUs -
1.00 oz Cascade [5.60 %] - Boil 15.0 min Hop 7 5.8 IBUs -
1.25 oz Cascade [5.60 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 15.0 min, 195.0 F Hop 8 5.3 IBUs -
0.50 oz Simcoe [12.60 %] - Steep/Whirlpool 15.0 min, 195.0 F Hop 9 4.7 IBUs -
1.0 pkg California Ale (White Labs #WLP001) [35.49 ml] Yeast 10 - -
1.50 oz Amarillo [9.20 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 Days Hop 11 0.0 IBUs -
1.50 oz Simcoe [12.60 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 Days Hop 12 0.0 IBUs -

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.060 SG Measured Original Gravity: 1.046 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.011 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6.4 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 4.7 %
Bitterness: 37.1 IBUs Calories: 151.6 kcal/12oz
Est Color: 5.9 SRM

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out Total Grain Weight: 13 lbs 3.8 oz
Sparge Water: 4.72 gal Grain Temperature: 68.0 F
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F Tun Temperature: 158.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE Mash PH: 5.20

Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash In Add 4.30 gal of water at 161.3 F 150.0 F 60 min
Sparge Step: Fly sparge with 4.72 gal water at 168.0 F
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle Volumes of CO2: 0.0
Pressure/Weight: -2.28 oz Carbonation Used: None
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 70.0 F Age for: 30.00 days
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage Storage Temperature: 65.0 F


Target 5.4 pH using Lactic Acid and Gypsum.
75 minute boil
Ferment at 66 - 68 Deg. F. until final gravity is reached ~ 7 - 10 days.
Cool to 56F and drop the yeast or rack to secondary.
Add dry hops.
Hold at 56F for three days following dry hopping then cold crash.
Keg or bottle beer.
Carbonate to 2.5 Volumes of CO2.

Created with BeerSmith